19th April 2024 Posted by - Alexander Accountancy
Property People Forum Burton – At Alexander Accountancy we would like to invite you to our next “PROPERTY PEOPLE” event of the year at The Winery on Thursday 9th May 2024.
This event is primarily for landlords and property developers but is open to anyone with a genuine interest in the property market.
This will be an informal event with a brief talk from the event sponsor about themselves
and their business.
We will be meeting at The Winery from 4.00 pm with your first drink being paid for by the
sponsor, there will then be a pay bar open and a two-course meal available from 5.00 pm.
Please make your meal selections when booking your ticket.
We anticipate the event will close at around 6.30 pm.
If you wish to attend, please can you confirm this and book your places along with your
meal selections as early as possible with the event costing £20 per person.
Should you have any queries on the event please feel free to contact us by emailing
in**@al*******************.uk or telephoning 01283 743851.
It is anticipated there may be a high demand and places could become limited.