Category Archives: Croner

Mother caring for her il son who is using a nebuliser. Employment Law changes in April

Employment Law changes in April

Employment Law changes in April New employment laws came into force on 6 April 2024 that apply to all businesses. Here is a brief summary of the changes. Flexible working: […]

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Young People H&S - Alexander Accountancy Burton on Trent

Young people at work

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have a dedicated webpage for employers reminding them of the need to be extra cautious with the safety of young people. When you employ […]

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Employing for the first time Burton on Trent

Employing for the first time

There are a multitude of rules and regulations that you must be aware of when you start employing staff for the first time.   HMRC’s guidance sets out important issues […]

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National Minimum Wage reminder for summer staff

We would like to remind any students and seasonal staff that work part time, for example in a summer job, to ensure they are being paid the National

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Employment Status Tool

HMRC’s employment status service can be used to help ascertain if a worker should be classified as employed or self-employed for tax purposes in both

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CIS Tax specialists Burton on Trent - Alexander Accountancy

Changes to tackle CIS abuse

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a set of special rules for tax and National Insurance for those working in the construction industry. Businesses in the construction industry are known as

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Employing staff - alexander accountancy Burton on Trent

Employing domestic staff

When you employ someone to work in your home it is your responsibility to meet the employee's rights and deduct the correct amount of tax from their salary. This can include employees such as a nanny, housekeeper, gardener or carer. The rules are

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Alexander Accountancy Team Up with Croner to offer more services to their clients

Alexander Accountancy and Croner working together for you.

We are pleased to announce that we are working in partnership with Croner, offering advice and support on Employment Law, HR and Health and Safety management services to all our […]

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