28th May 2024 Posted by - Alexander Accountancy
Customs Declaration Service Deadline
There’s less than a month left for exporters to move to Customs Declaration Service
Submitting export declarations through the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) becomes mandatory for all businesses on 4 June. CDS will replace the Customs Handling Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) on that date.
Businesses that use a customs agent to submit their export declarations should check that their agent is ready for the change.
If you make your own declarations rather than using an agent then you need to make sure that you have software in place that will work with the CDS system.
HMRC are encouraging businesses that need help in migrating to CDS to get in touch with a customs agent that is ready for the new system and can provide help.
The new system should be more user-friendly and streamlined, giving businesses more time to concentrate on growing rather than compliance.
DPD UK have expressed confidence in the change, saying: “Overall, our business experience when migrating to CDS for exports was very smooth. We saw little operational impact and were supported in managing outstanding clerical challenges after migration.”
If you need help getting in touch with a customs agent, please call us on 01283 743851 and we’ll be happy to help you.
See: https://www.gov.uk/