8th September 2023 Posted by - Alexander Accountancy
Check if you need to send a tax return
If you normally file a Self-Assessment tax return, you will need to send it to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for the tax year 2022 to 2023 and pay any tax you owe by 31 January 2024.
Once you have registered for Self-Assessment, you must file a return by law, even if you have already paid all the tax you owe or think you don’t owe any tax.
Not sure if you need to file a tax return?
Use this online tool to check if you need to complete a Self-Assessment tax return.
If you have already sent a tax return for the 2022 to 2023 tax year, or HMRC has been in contact to tell you that you don’t need to send one, you don’t need to do anything else just now.
If you no longer need to send a tax return, you need to let HMRC know. If you don’t, you may have to pay a penalty.
How to tell HMRC if you don’t need to send a return:
- if you were self-employed but have stopped working for yourself, use HMRC’s online form; or
- if you’re not self-employed, HMRC has created some guidance and an online form you can use.
See: Check if you need to send a Self Assessment tax return – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)