Category Archives: Tax Allowance

Benefits in kind, are they an expense you can claim back from HMRC

Make the most of tax-free trivial benefits

The trivial benefits in kind (BiK) exemption applies to small non-cash benefits, for example a bottle of wine or a bouquet of flowers, given occasionally to employees. Although the benefit is […]

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Covering pension contributions with unused allowances

The annual allowance for tax relief on pensions is currently set at £40,000. The annual allowance is further reduced for high earners. This means that

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1.8m couples benefit from extra tax relief

HMRC has confirmed that almost 1.8m couples across the UK have benefitted from the marriage allowance and are saving up to £252 a year. The marriage

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130% tax relief for companies

Are you thinking of investing in new plant or other equipment? Remember that the super-deduction offering 130% first-year tax relief is available to

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Tax if you divorce or separate

If you are a couple that is getting separated or divorced, apart from the emotional stress, there are also tax issues that can have significant

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What is net income for pension relief purposes?

The lifetime allowance is the maximum amount of pension and/or lump sum that benefits from tax relief. The lifetime allowance is currently set at £1,073,100. The annual allowance for tax […]

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How are dividends taxed?

The dividend tax allowance was first introduced back in 2016 and replaced the old dividend tax credit with an annual £5,000 dividend allowance with

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Pre-trading expenditure Alexander Accountancy Burton on Trent

Pre-trading expenditure

There are special tax reliefs for pre-trading expenses that are incurred before a business starts trading. These could include expenses that are required to help a business prepare for trading such […]

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