7th February 2019 Posted by - Alexander Accountancy
Beat Brexit by being the entrepreneur!
We ran an article similar to this two months after the Brexit vote, and in the current climate believe it is still relevant.
At the time of writing, doom and gloom is still being predicted, and still being waited for on the economic front. Although there is a growing appreciation that Brexit also has constitutional and political aspects to consider.
Again at the time of writing, every option has virtually been declared unacceptable by one group or another, so some dissatisfaction, and potentially turmoil, is almost guaranteed.
The future trading position may become clearer over the coming weeks as the leaving process lurches from plan to counter plan with little or no hope of a genuine consensus. But once the outcome is settled it would be better to focus on going forwards and building the future, rather than recriminations and looking backwards.
Small and medium sized businesses should feel encouraged that the future can be bright after all since their flexibility should allow them to turn challenges into opportunities. Alexander Accountancy firmly believes every business can influence its own future by how it behaves and reacts. Especially if we see ourselves as entrepreneurs and truly believe our fate is in our own hands.
At Alexander Accountancy we know how to run a business. We help our clients run their businesses and through Alexander’s Business Club we offer expert workshops, open to all, to help the local business community.
Why not come and meet Alexander Accountancy at our business club, or one of the other events we attend, to see how we can help you and your business succeed.
To contact us please email in**@al*******************.uk or call Burton upon Trent on 01283 743851