25th May 2022 Posted by - Alexander Accountancy
Midland Air Ambulance And Supporting Local Charities Networking Meeting
Please find the information below for the forthcoming Networking for Charities Networking Meeting which is held at The Riverside Hotel Branston.
Not only is this a brilliant networking opportunity to promote your business, there are lots of local, regional and national companies who are attending.
We will also be presenting the monies raised for the Midland Air Ambulance and other nominated Charities.
The event runs from 12.00 pm till 2.00 pm on Wednesday, June 15th 2022
Time 12.00pm till 2.00pm.
Brief outline of the Agenda:
12.00pm – Registration Meet & Greet
12.15pm – Lunch
12.30pm – Welcome Announcements and H & S
12.40pm – Introduce Your Business (60 Seconds)
1.40pm – Charity Presentation
1.30pm – Open Networking
1.50pm – Business Card & Raffle Prize Draw
1.55pm – Cheque Presentations For Nominated Charities & Votes for Charity Nominations
For The Next Event
2.00pm – Thank You & Close
We look forward to seeing you at The Riverside Hotel Branston for the event, in the meantime
if you have any questions or if you have any special dietary requests, please get in touch with
either Laverne 07525 278 605 la*****@ki*********.uk or Richard Faulkner call 07508 675 760
or email ri*****@al*******************.uk
Payments: This can be taken via Eventbrite or if Paying On The Door it’s CASH ONLY.
An attendees list will be distributed prior and post-event, please advise
if you do not wish for your details to be included.
Photos will also be taken on the day, again please advise if you do not
wish to be included in any photos.
If you need further information please email in**@al*******************.uk or call Alexander Accountancy on Burton upon Trent 01283 743851