Employed or self-employed?

Business start up advice Alexander Accountancy

This is a question many people ask themselves. Sometimes it takes a brave move to leave the security of a regular salary for the potential of greater rewards, and sometimes it is a choice thrust upon you through redundancy or another change in circumstances.

One client of ours made the bold move several years ago and set-up as a sub-contractor. With hard work and professional guidance from Alexander Accountancy they have created a very successful and profitable company, now employing several people and providing work for dozens of local contractors.

Another client has recently decided to do the same. Because we understand the opportunities available in the first year we have managed to finalise the accounts for 2015/16 and process a tax repayment for £2,500. The costs of their van and tools purchased whilst setting up the business have not only been reclaimed in the first tax year, but the excess allowances that are left will help reduce the tax liability in 2017 as well.

Venturing out as your own boss can be a life changing decision, and one that should be given careful consideration. Why not contact our expert business advisers for a free consultation since you will always have a better chance of success with the right help and guidance.

Please email us for a meeting at in**@al*******************.uk or telephone us on Burton on Trent 01283 743851.